Shipping Policy

  1. Delivery Time: Your items will be shipped within 7 business days from the date of order confirmation.

  2. Shipping Carrier: We partner with reliable shipping carriers such as FedEx and DHL.

  3. Delivery Address: Your items will be shipped to the delivery address provided by you.

  4. Free Shipping: We offer free shipping on all orders.

  5. Return Shipping: In case of returning items, return shipping costs are to be covered by the customer.

  6. Transportation Guarantee: Items are transported securely by our shipping partners. However, please contact us if you encounter any issues or damages during transit.

  7. Return Process: Return requests for items will be processed according to our specified return policy.

  8. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

This shipping policy aims to provide our customers with a reliable and seamless shopping experience.